I've never really done a "hair care" post and considering I've just re dyed my hair now is as good a time as any!
As you can see in the image just over there, red is not my natural hair colour however I do naturally have a red undertone. Around 4 years ago I decided I wanted to dye my hair red, but really bright red, however my parents unwillingness and me being allergic to basically everyday which would allow me to live out my fantasy of having flaming red hair, this merely stayed a dream. Until I found a hair dye (Herbashine) that I wasn't allergic to! Although I was not destined to have locks that even Poison Ivy would be envious of, I did manage to get red/purple hair. And I loved it. Ever since I have routinely fallen in and out of love with this hair colour, until last year where I was unhealthily determined to get rid of all the red in my hair and have my natural locks back.
I then decided to keep my hair like this for a good year. I do love this colour and I think it's a really unusual shade of blonde/strawberry blonde but I just don't feel it flatters my face/personal style as much as red hair does. There is just something ingrained in me that longs for long red/purple hair. So to the hair dye I went again, and my roots came back in full force!
This photo was taken a good 6 months ago, and I was very undecided to how I wanted my hair. On one hand I wanted to grow out the dye and on the other I desperately wanted to get rid of those ghastly roots.
After finding out my beloved Herbashine had been discontinued everywhere (what's up with that Garnier?!) I went over to another Garnier offering; Olia. I was very unsure as to how this would turn out because I didn't know how well and oil based hair dye would take to my hair. However I prevailed and I now have red hair with purple undertones. One thing I find it hard to do is pin point my hair colour, it just seems to be a mish mash of different colours that just... seems to work. It just does. One thing I do feel I am very blessed with is my hair.
So this is what I am left with today. I, personally, am in love with the colour right now. But I just know this will change in a few months, and I'll probably want a different hair colour (gingery blonde hair dye I'm looking at you!) But for now I'm very happy.
What's the craziest thing you've done to your hair?
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