Thursday, 26 June 2014

Life Style ¦ A Summer Health Kick

About a month ago I thought to myself "I'm gonna start running". This happens a few times throughout a month, I get an idea into my head and lead myself into a false sense of comfort but never actually go through with it. Well low and behold I've gone and done it! I found out from the gorgeous Anna about the Nike Running App and boy has it changed my life. 

Every summer I go through these "health kicks" and I swiftly forget about them once winter rears it's ugly head however this time round I am determined to stick to it. I've started eating more healthily, exercising and just generally being kinda to my body (blog posts soon to follow!)

This app is currently free from the app store and is just absolutely brilliant. After all the boring admin is out of the way (height, weight, promotional advertisements) it's smooth sailing. You have the option to begin a training programme or to just use the app when you want. I'm currently working my way towards a 5k race (eeeeeeeekkk). Clearly my fingers can type faster than I can run. However, I am optimistic. 

This app runs on a GPS system so tracks where you are running, how far you are running, how fast, your fastest mile, your fastest 1K, your current time, how many calories you have burnt and the list goes on! It also syncs with your music so when you begin your run, your music plays as well. And (possibly the most exciting feature) when you stop running the app stops! So if you need a little breather, then you can take one and it doesn't affect your time. The motivational messages that come through your headphones, although slightly scary and annoying at first, are a really great feature. 

I really like the work-out plan because unlike a lot of work out plans I've seen before, this is realistic! I can't stress enough how unrealistic and just unfathomable (my word of the day) some of the plans are. This one gives you one rest day a week which is perfect, it also allows you one day to cross-train which is brilliant because it means you aren't running every day. Although running is brilliant it can have a counter effect on your body and you can do more harm than good. I also love how it works towards building strength; building up a solid base for you to run from. 

I cannot sing this apps praises enough! Seriously, if you are on a weight loss journey (like me), a novice OR experienced runner, or you're just looking to get a little bit healthier than this app is for you. 

I hope you enjoyed this post, it's something a bit different from the beauty/fashion side of things but I thought you might be interest and that it might help some of you out. 


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