Tuesday, 15 July 2014

University ¦ Year One Low Down

As I promised in my update post I am now writing my 1st Year University low down post. I left it a little later than I had intended to because I thought there's no real point in writing a "review" type dealio if I didn't know my grades, y'know? Y'all ain't gonna respect my opinion if my grades are shit. But luckily I passed! Well I did more than pass with a high 2:1. Hate to blow my own trumpet but I'm pretty darn proud of that grade. With everything I went through last year, with the changes I had to go through, my mental state and the fact I was considering dropping out of uni altogether, I'm proud of myself. There's no shame in saying that, right?

So first year started out rough for me. You can go back to some of my earlier posts about university if you really wanna know the deets on that situation. But around about March time things started to pick up for me. I was getting into the flow of my course and I was really starting to enjoy myself. I think, like any big change, University takes a lot of getting used to. I had it easy in the way that I was still living at home so I didn't have to deal with the whole home sickness aspect. But this quickly became a bit of a drawback; I have trouble making friends as it is and the first few months were pretty lonely. But it's all good now. My confidence has risen ten fold and I can happily go up to someone and talk to them. Before I was afraid to make the first move, but now I'll happily say hi to people. I think friendships are a massive part of uni life because having friends and being able to relate to people makes things a little easier; say if you have a problem, or have to do group work it makes it easier to have a relationship with some people and have people you can turn to.

The course was pretty good as things go. It started off quite slow; it very much felt like they were trying to introduce us to the modules but as soon as 2nd Semester reared it's head we had quite a bit of free range to pick our own projects. I thrived with this aspect and it's really set me up well for my Summer Project and my second year. However some people didn't thrive with the independence. Something I have to stress about uni is that they ain't gonna spoon feed it to you! You're pretty much on your own. By all means you can ask your tutors for help but they aren't going to give you the answers any more. Like I said, some people thrive on this independence, others not so much.

I found money quite hard to budget in this year. I've never had this much money before so I went a little spendy in my first few months when in reality I should have been saving it. But we live and we learn ey'! Luckily my parents were quite lenient with the rent so I had about a month or so after each term where I couldn't pay it. So if that's one thing you take from this post; learn to budget! Saving up money at this point is probably the best thing you can do.

I was also a little off with my attendance, especially to my drawing module. It's no excuse to say I was going through a rough time, but if you've ever been in that situation then you know you don't want to do anything; let alone go to a class you feel real uncomfortable in.

Overall I was pretty happy with this first year. I was especially happy with my grade because towards the end my attitude really switched up and I put the effort in. I think this has really set me up well for second year and I hope that great stuff will happen! You'll have to forgive me, I didn't really know what to put in this post as I didn't really know what people wanted to read or know about university. I also didn't touch too much on the social life because I didn't really have one this past year; going out, getting drunk and going to nightclubs didn't interest me so I didn't partake in it. I hope you enjoyed this fairly rambly post. Let me know if you're planning on going to university or let me know your university experience! And do leave some questions below :)

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